Individual lessons = the most efficient use of time and your money.

If you want to make the most of the time and money you spend on studying a foreign language, consider individual lessons. These lessons are tailored specifically to your individual needs and they will teach you exactly what you need or want to focus on.

Do you remember things better when you hear them? Or do you have a perfect photographic memory? Do you have any problems with various linguistic issues and do not feel comfortable in group courses? Or perhaps you have perfect knowledge of grammar and only need to improve certain vocabulary you use in your job…
During individual lessons with a language teacher, you will aim right at the bull’s eye and will not need to adjust to anybody else’s pace.

Principles of individual lessons:

  • FREE introductory consultation – an analysis of the student’s needs in order to specify the goals
  • individual approach
  • choice of schedule, place, and frequency of the lessons (Brno, Prague, Pilsen)
  • team of experienced teachers
  • opportunity to meet the teacher prior to commencing the lessons
  • flexibility in terms of teaching materials and consultations during their selection
  • pleasant classrooms in the centre of Brno

Price quotation:

We will be happy to prepare a NON-BINDING quotation for individual lessons based on your needs.
If you are interested, please fill in this form.


We are ready to assist you. Feel free to contact us. 🙂