Music is a very important part of Czech culture. Therefore, Eva and Lída have prepared a new topic for the next event. This time you’ll be dealing with Czech music from the first tones of Bedřich Smetana’s Vltava to the almost contemporary Czech music.

Do you know how the Czech anthem starts? Who’s on the top of Czech music charts? And what Czech composers are world-famous? If you’re interested, then you are more than welcome to join our next Czech Night. In case you know these answers, you can even use them in our special game 🙂

As usual, the event is free of charge, light refreshments will be provided (however, feel free to bring anything extra if you want – non alcoholic drinks only, please ! )

When: November 8 (Fri), 2013 from 6:00 PM

Where: Kozí 2, Brno

Photos from this event >> Facebook page.

What can you expect?

  • samples of famous Czech songs (with comments)
  • traditional Czech Night Game with the „music, musical instrument and Czech performers“ theme
  • song translating and perhaps some singing 🙂
  • movie: Šakalí léta (Big Beat) 110 min

The evening can, as usual, go on in some bar nearby (Metro Music Bar is open)  🙂

If you plan to come, please sign up at the Facebook Event.  Thank you. 🙂

